
Phone Number*: 09353214633
What are you ?*: Bisexual
Position*: Bottom
Location*: I am not BatangueƱo
Description about yourself:*: An internal but extrovert unpredictable hopeless romantic, who is still young who is still in search of for real purpose in life.Kind of person who maybe slow and shifter in making decisions but always firm and ready to take the consequences of my actions.Not that accurate and perfect,and i don’t even try to be,i make a lot of mistakes,but that doesn’t mean that i did not take the effort to do the best.A passionate creative type of person who always try to be unique but tend to blend myself in the crowd.Daydreamer student who always cramming’ around in everything i do,holistic but toxic most of the time.Fun- seeker guy who always exaggerate myself just for the sake of belongingness and infinity of euphoria.A lazy boy with a potential of being a responsible leader and a problem solving master at the same time.Development matters,it should be.Complicated person,yet fairly simple one way or another. im a guy with a liberated concept of what life should be,my values are traditional,and my principles are old- school thinking

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